Cds and Cassettes by Yodeling Slim Clark
which are still available:
Order information at the bottom of this page
We're running low on some of these Cds, so order now while they are still available.
Singin' Yodelin'
Guitar Pickin' Cowboy Songs
2 cd set - $20.00
Jasmine Records 2012 3636/7
ONLY 2 LEFT IN STOCK, March 2018!
Click Here for Liner Notes
Disc 1:
1. The Smoke Went Up the Chimney Just the Same
2. The Fox
3. After You did What You Done
4. Strawberry Roan
5. The Cowboy's Dream
6. The Swiss Yodeling Cowboy
7. Whoppie Ti Yi Yo
8. Sweet Little Bluebird Girl
9. When I ride the Range of Gold
10. My Little Lady
11. The Bum Song (Hallelujah I'm A Bum)
12. Ding Dong Polka
13. Hobo Bill's Last Ride
14. Be an Honour to Your Mother
15. You're My Darling
16. Sweethearts or Strangers
17. The Wedding of the Little Swiss Miss
18. When the Work's All Done This Fall
19. There's a Love Knot in My Lariat
20. Savin' Up Coupons
21. A Cowboy Takes in a Square Dance
22. Wondering
23. My Country Home in Heaven
24. So Dear to Me
25. Sleepy Time Yodel
26. Sittin' in the Saddle
27. The Abilene Drive
Disc 2:
1. Queen of the Rockies
2. The Mountie's Prayer
3. The Big Stampede
4. The Gal I Left Behind Me
5. True to You
6. Plantonio The Pride of the Plains
7. Ol' Zebra Dun
8. Swiss Dreams
9. I Should Have Known
10. Yodel Polka
11. I Still Say Your Name in My Prayers
12. Sweet Betsy From Pike
13. The Cowboy's Lament (Streets of Laredo)
14. Git Along to the Big Corral
15. Blue Tail Fly
16. I'm Riding Ol' Paint
17. Yodel Your Troubles Away
18. My Home by the Fraser
19. I Got No Use for Women
20. Yellow Rose of Texas
21. Billy Venero
22. I'd Like to be in Texas (Texas in Spring)
23. Little Trailrider's Lullaby
24. My Little Swiss Mrs
25. Just Riding on Memories
26. I Was Dreaming Someone Else's Dream
COWBOY & YODEL SONGS cd - $15.00
Jasmine Records 2005 3567
ONLY 2 LEFT IN STOCK, March 2018!
1. When You're Blue Just Yodel
2. Big Rock Candy Mountain
3. Rocky Mountain Sweetheart
4. Rye Whiskey
5. Rambling Hobo
6. Trail Drive Missoula
7. Saddle in the Sky
8. Alpine Love Call
9. The Rocky Mountain Yodeler
10. She Taught Me to Yodel
11. Cowboy's Lullaby
12. Remember Me
13. My Lulu Gal
14. The Last Letter
15. Swiss Lover's Lullaby
16. The Old Rugged Cross
17. The Last Yodel
18. Yodel Train
19. The Cat Came Back
20. My Happy Cowboy Life
21. My Calgary Home
22. Stampede the Outlaw
23. Yodel Demonstration
24. Mockingbird Hill
25. Old Chisholm Trail
26. Cactus Sue
27. The Trail Rider's Call
28. The Swiss Yodelers
Old Homestead Records , 1999 OHCD-4015
ONLY 2 LEFT IN STOCK, March 2018!
1. My Little Swiss Miss
2. Big Rock Candy Mountain
3. When the Work's All Done This Fall
4. The Cat Came Back
5. Sweet Little Bluebird
6. Sittin' in the Saddle
7. The Mountie's Prayer
8. Yodel Your Troubles Away
9. I Should Have Known
10. Yodel Train
11. The Wedding of the Little Swiss Miss
12. Yippee Ti-Yi-Yo
13. My Happy Cowboy Life
14. Yodeling Mad
15. My Calgary Home
16. Billy Venero
17. The Swiss Yodeling Cowboy
18. Yodel Demonstration
19. Just One More Yodel
20. Little Sod Shanty
21. Matilda Higgins
22. Swiss Dreams
23. Rocky Mountain Yodeler
24. When You're Blue, Just Yodel
cd - $15.00
Cassette - $12.00
Old Homestead Records , 2001 OHCD-4026
ONLY 5 LEFT IN STOCK, March 2018!
1. I'd Like to Be In Texas (For the Round-up in the Spring)
2. Savin' Up Coupons
3. The Calgary Stampede
4. Powder River, Let 'er Buck
5. I Miss My Swiss
6. The Ridge-Runnin' Roan
7. Plantonic, Pride of the Plaiin
8. I Feel a Big Trip Comin' On
9. The Old Rugges Cross
10. The Call of the Phantoms
11. When I Ride the Range of Gold
12. Away Out On the Mountain
13. Yodelin' Cowboy
14. The Swiss Yodelers
15. Put me in your Pocket
16. Vreneli
17. Our Song
18. Send Me The Flower Money Now (Jewel Clark)
19. My Dad (Jewel Clark)
20. Nightrider's Lament
21. Slim talks - Strawberry Roan
22. Whatever Happened to All Those Years
78's Reborn: Cowboy Songs and Yodels
Cassette - $10.00
Traveler Enterprises
ONLY 2 LEFT IN STOCK, March 2018!
1. Happy Cowboy Life
2. Big Rock Candy Mountain
3. Yodelin' Mad
4. Cowboy Takes In a Squaredance
5. Chime Bells
6. Cowboy's Lullaby
7. Abilene Drive
8. Rocky Mountain Yodeler
9. When You're Blue Just Yodel
10. Trailriders Moon
11. The Ramblin' Hobo
12 Swiss Lover's Lullaby
To order, please include $4.00 shipping and handling for each item, and send your order to:
Kathleen M. Clark
91 Finson Road
St. Albans, ME 04971-7312
kathieclark@tds.net Photo Album / Music / Art Prints / Guest Book |